Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pause Pronounication Sounds!

Small tsu is known as 促音(そくおん)

  • Soukon commonly known as small tsu or chiisai tsu or chisana tsu is actually a small pause pronounication sound inbetween a word.

  • Differenece between the size of normal tsu and small tsu

  • The sokuon cannot appear at the beginning of a word, before a vowel kana (a, i, u, e, or o), or before kana that begin with the consonants n, m, r, w, or y. In addition, it does not appear before voiced consonants (g, z, d, or b), or before  (single), except in loanwords, or distorted speech, or dialects.
  • Personal thoughts: meaning that it can only appear before consonants k, s, t, h.

Long pause in katakana is known as 長音符(ちょうおんぷ)

  • Its form is a horizontal or vertical line in the center of the text with the width of one kanji or kana character. It is written horizontally (ー) in horizontal text and vertically in vertical text. The chōonpu is usually used to indicate a long vowel sound in katakana writing, rarely in hiragana writing, and never in romanized Japanese. The chōonpu is a distinct mark from the dash, and in most Japanese typefaces it can easily be distinguished.
  • Personal thoughts: meaning that usually it is writen for katakana - foreign objects name.

Example of Pause sounds of similar words:

Slope : 坂(さか) saka
Writer : 作家(さか) sakka
Scoccer : サーカー(さ) sa-ka-
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