
Hi Folks, Please note that all my notes from my lessons are written in abbreviation so please refer below for more information.

N: Noun - If N1 & N2, appears in the sentence, it means Noun 1 & Noun 2
Adj: Adjective
V: Verb
Pl: Place
LT: Living Thing i.e. humans, animals, spirits and demons
NLT: Non-Living Thing


i-Adj: Adjectives ending with い

na-Adj: Adjectives ending with な
Some Exception of i-Adj includes:
きれい(綺麗) - pretty/clean/beautiful
きらい(嫌い) - hate
ゆうめい(有名) - famous
しんぱい(心配) - worry
しつれい(失礼) - To leave/to be rude. (This can be treated as a noun)

Gp 1: Known as Godan Verbs - All other verb that dont fall under Gp 3 and Gp 2.
Some Exceptions from Gp 2 includes:
はいる(入る) - to enter
はしる(走る) - to run
かえる(帰る) - to return
かぎる(限る) - to limit
きる(切る) - to cut
しゃべる(喋る) - to chatter
しる(知る) - to know

Gp 2: Known as Ichidan Verbs - Verbs ending いる、える

Gp 3: Irregular Verbs for Come (くる) and Do (する). When joining N with する, it will change the noun into a verb.

Polite.F: Polite form - most commonly used when interacting with strangers.

Dic.F: Dictionary form of the verb.
As a student of Japanese language, one have to know the basic dictionary form to use a Japanese (or J-E) dictionary as all the verbs are commonly stated in this form.

Plain.F: Plain form of the verb.

Na.F: な form

Te.F: て form

Ta.F: た form

Potential.F: Potential Form

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